Want to buy/sell Atlanta home price indices for Feb '26, '27? Consider a combination of CME 10-city index futures and an HPHF Ratio Agreement. The combination is consistent with prices 2-3%> spot (for Feb '26).
Continue reading →CME Calendar Spreads on the Case Shiller home price index futures may be useful in inferring implied HPA across various metros. In addition, users can take positions in the "market for HPA".
Continue reading →Here's a way to dig into differences between City and Metro home prices. While sometimes they are very similar there are areas (e.g. DC) where City prices diverge from Metro prices. I suggest a way to express views.
Continue reading →Here's a short piece on the logistics of HPHF Agreements referencing home price indices from ParclLabs.
Continue reading →I've updated the template for Ratio Agreements to highlight the implied forward values for Feb '25-'27. There is also a section with housing economic news. Please review, critique and guide me to other metros that you'd like to see referenced.
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